Manufacturing Futures: An Expert Panel event from Bradford Manufacturing Weeks
Throughout October, Bradford Manufacturing Weeks delivered a series of engaging and informative events to introduce careers in manufacturing to Bradford’s young people. This month, the ‘Manufacturing Futures’ expert panel event will be delivered to the district’s manufacturers.
Students aged from 14 to 18 had the opportunity not only to tour the manufacturing sites of companies like Solenis, Carnaud Metalbox,Orean and Christeyns. They also had the opportunity to engage with leaders in manufacturing through expert panels and find out what a career in manufacturing could offer them.
As part of this year’s initiative and to round up a fantastic series of events, Bradford Manufacturing Weeks partners, The Opportunity Centre, will be hosting the very first ‘Manufacturing Futures panel event.
The event will take place on the 22nd of November. Running from 8:30 am to 11:30 am at The Opportunity Centre in Bradford. There will be an introduction from Bradford Manufacturing Weeks, Nick Garthwaite, followed by an expert panel made up of sponsors E3 Recruitment, Naylor Wintersgill and LCF Law and networking.
Which topics will be covered by the Manufacturing Futures expert panel?
Attended by the district’s manufacturers, the expert panel will be taking a deep dive into the future of manufacturing and exploring the different opportunities available for economic growth.
E3 Recruitment’s Chris Taylor will be delivering guidance on how to best retain and attract new talent through internal reorganisation; why establishing your employer proposition should be the first step of an employer brand strategy and the importance of promoting your employer brand.
E3R will also cover the key trends we expect to see over the next year and what manufacturers need to be prepared for regarding labour shortages due to the economic crisis to ensure a strong manufacturing future.
In a time where salary alone is not always enough to retain key people, Naylor Wintersgill will explore and answer questions on tax-efficient ways for manufacturers to engage with and retain teams to enable businesses to succeed. Also covering tax-efficient ways to make small rewards, if salary sacrifices can still work and whether allowing some shared ownership for key people can be efficient. As well as looking at the ultimate incentive for staff retention – the employee ownership trust.
LCF Law will round up by discussing the legal perspective on the important issues to consider when issuing shares to employees, including issues surrounding employee ownership trusts.
How can you get involved?
Manufacturers from across Yorkshire are invited to attend and hear about how they can ensure a strong future for manufacturing. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/manufacturing-futures-tickets-458553595147?utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-term=listing&utm-source=cp&aff=escb
Being specialist recruiters for manufacturing and engineering, we know the importance of introducing young people to careers in these sectors. This is why we support initiatives like Bradford Manufacturing Weeks. If you would like to find out how your organisation can get involved with next year’s weeks, please get in touch with our marketing team at marketing@e3recruitment.com or call on 01484 645 269.