Wernick Power Solutions provide Instant Generator Hire

Is your business or organisation prepared for the potential impact of the energy crisis we are facing this winter? Are you prepared if we get power shortages and blackouts?

The important questions you need to ask yourself now are, “what would my downtime look like and how would this affect my revenue and profits?” And “do I have a standby power generator at my fingertips to keep my business running and the lights on?”

We can provide you automatic mains failure power in the event of an unplanned blackout, or ‘flick of the switch’ power in the event of a planned blackout. Make sure you plan ahead and find out whether your temporary power supplier can provide you with power when you need it or have it in place ‘just in case’.

Wernick Power Solutions can provide the perfect solution: 

  • Site survey
  • Installation
  • Service and maintenance
  • 24/7 support
  • Fuel management

Why not contact us for a site survey and discuss your requirements?

For all your power requirements: now, tomorrow and in the future!