Modular High School

Modular Buildings Meet Demand for Bigger and Better Schools

By Wernick Buildings Limited in Industry News

The demand for new school places and the crumbling state of primary and secondary schools is a pressing issue for Local Councils all over the UK.

Even when funding is in place, Councils face a number of challenges before a new school building project can get underway.

Focus on the environment and growing energy costs mean that Councils are under more pressure than ever to deliver low energy, efficient spaces – all while sticking to budget. Safety of pupils and minimising disruption during term time of course remain pressing issues.

Modular schools, delivered to site in segments over 2 or 3 days, such as those manufactured and installed by Wernick, are helping to solve many of the challenges presented by the education sector.

Read our full blog post to discover why so many schools are switching on to modular.