Sunbelt Rentals recognised as the first UK rental business certified by the Renewable Fuel Assurance Scheme (RFAS)
We are thrilled to be approved under RFAS for the provision of Renewable Diesel and HVO throughout the UK.
It's no secret that we’re passionate about sustainability and our planet. For many years now we have been putting sustainability at the forefront of our business decisions, and last year we launched our sustainability strategy under one single banner - Our Planet. A key component of this plan is driving down emissions by offering sustainable fuels to our customers so they can help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their everyday site activities.

The RFAS is an independent initiative, managed by Zemo Partnership, that verifies the chain of custody of sustainable fuel supplied to HGV and Non-Road Mobile Machinery (NRMM) operators. It enables end users to have supply chain specific environmental information, allowing customers to calculate their GHG emissions and demonstrate the merits of sustainable low carbon fuels in decarbonising their fleet. This scheme demonstrates that the renewable fuels sold in the UK have been approved under the UK Government’s primary low carbon fuel regulations – the Renewable Fuels Transport Obligation.
Considering the fantastic work RFAS do in the space, we are thrilled to be announced as the first rental business throughout the UK to become approved under RFAS for the provision of Renewable Diesel and HVO. By joining RFAS, we are demonstrating our commitment to providing our customers with the highest quality, sustainably sourced renewable liquid fuels, with credible GHG emission savings – an immediate action customers can take to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy.
“This certification demonstrates our commitment to providing our customers with a verified, sustainable source of HVO, which can help make an immediate impact on our customers’ GHG emissions;” said Carley Hutcheon, Head of Fuel at Sunbelt Rentals.
Mark Keily Sunbelt Rentals' Health, Safety & Sustainability Director further added: “By achieving this approval, Sunbelt Rentals UK can now provide the assurance that customers and stakeholders seek in the procurement and governance of their renewable diesel/HVO supply chain. With having this process in place, we can now provide the necessary audit trail to support our customers’ carbon reporting, a first in the UK rental sector.”
As part of the scheme, Sunbelt Rentals will distribute quarterly Renewable Fuel Declarations to our customers, to evidence the verifiable change individual businesses are making.
For more information about our fuel options, visit: Fuel Management | Sunbelt Rentals.