Proud to announce we have been awarded the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit Business Partner Advanced for the year 2024!
E3 Recruitment are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit Business Partner Advanced for the year 2024!
We are dedicated to integrating responsible recruitment practices across our supply chains. As a Business Partner Advanced of the RRT, we consistently showcase our commitment to prioritising fair and transparent recruitment processes for all workers.
"We understand the significance of responsible recruitment and are proud to be part of the Responsible Recruitment Toolkit as a Business Partner Advanced for 2024. This partnership reflects our ongoing dedication to ensuring fair and transparent recruitment practices. By being actively engaged with the RRT, we aim to stay at the forefront of best practices in responsible recruitment. Our team remains focused on creating a positive impact, not only within our organisation but also in the broader community."
Joe Brownbill, Head of Legal and Compliance
Throughout the year, we will continue to collaborate with the RRT and our industry partners to exchange insights and implement innovative approaches that improve the well-being of workers in the recruitment process.
For more information on how we can support your business, contact us at:
📱 01484 645 269
📧 recruitment@e3recruitment.com
💻 e3recruitment.com