Severfield Awarded the Q1 Winvic ‘Doing It Right’ Safety Excellence Award
In acknowledgement of the way in which we positively influence Health and Safety via the exemplary behaviours of our people when interacting with client companies such as Winvic, we’ve been awarded the prestigious Winvic ‘Doing It Right’ Safety Excellence Award.
As Danny Nelson, Managing Director at Winvic explains, Severfield has “been recognised as a supply chain partner demonstrating … positive influence and engagement with our Doing It Right initiative”.
The prestige afforded alongside this award has taken months of dedication as, in order to achieve this honour, certain criteria had to be consistently met. These included the following:
- Early engagement by our Management and HSE Team to ensure an agreed safe system of work is developed and understood.
- Detailed logistics planning and secure exclusion zones with clear signage.
- Continual monitoring of ours and others’ works on site through fortnightly visits by our Health and Safety Team and regular Director safety audits.
- Proactive reporting of observations, both formally through our online app, and verbally to our site team.
- Continual engagement with our onsite management processes and higher-level dialogue between respective directors.
Brackmills, a multi-unit distribution centre project for developer Newlands in Northampton, for example, showcases our commitment to the above by illustrating our 1st place status for Health and Safety for an outstanding duration of 3 months. This, being but one example of many similar scenarios, clearly demonstrates our commitment to safety at the grassroots of our company.
Stephen Jay-Hanmer, Severfield Commercial and Industrial Operations Director, notes that this award is a credit to Severfield’s core values and everyone involved. Certainly, receiving this accolade underscores our continual commitment to forward-looking innovation, that is, finding better ways to build in a world of changing demands.
As we strive for continued exemplary safety standards across all our sites, Phillipa Recchia, Severfield Group SHE Director, adds that this award “is a credit to the whole team” and is, in Dennis Nelson’s words, an invaluable illustration of how we as a business are continuously contributing to “making our workplace safer” for all.