New from Wernick Hire – a new tool to show CO2 savings on accommodation hire in just a few seconds.
The Calculator can be accessed directly through the Wernick® website and is designed to show clients how they can reduce carbon emissions, KWH, and energy costs by choosing Wernick’s Greenspace® range of accommodation.
Wernick® developed the eco tool following a huge demand from clients for sustainable solutions. A large number of construction firms, for example, aim to become more environmentally friendly with the goal of hitting carbon zero targets.
Savings are based on the hire of Wernick’s® Greenspace® units, which combine several energy saving features such as time-controlled heating, passive infa-red lighting, and increased levels of insulation.
To use the tool simply select your products and duration of hire, click the ‘See my savings’ button and your project savings will be displayed. Results are animated and can be shared with colleagues or on social media.