If compliance with this Code forms part of the insurance contract, non-compliance with this Code could possibly result in insurance ceasing to be available or being withdrawn, resulting in a possible breach of a construction contract which requires the provision of such insurance.
Excerpt from the 10.1 Code of Practice

Cleveland Ensures Full JCoP 10.1 Compliancy
Our new fleet of anti-vandal site accommodation units and modular building bays are all built to be fully compliant with the latest JCoP guidelines, so our customers have complete peace of mind when it comes to fire safety.
In January 2023, the Fire Protection Association (FPA) released version 10.1 of the Joint Code of Practice (JCoP) on the Protection of Fire on Construction Sites and Buildings.
The latest edition provides new guidance on fire safety and best practice for fire prevention on construction sites.
References within JCoP 10.1 are made to the Health & Safety Guidance - Fire Safety in Construction (HSG168). JCoP 10.1, clause 13.6 and HSG168 outline the requirements for temporary accommodation that is part of a vertically stacked installation, situated outside of the 6m parameter of a building under construction.
The requirement is that the walls and stacked structure(s) within this area must achieve 30 minutes fire resistance for the following three performance classifications:
- Loadbearing capacity (stability) (R)
- Integrity (E)
- Insulation (I)
We have worked with our trusted suppliers to establish a specification that has been tested to confirm compliance with all three elements outlined in this clause whilst considering the aesthetic and operational practicalities needed with a hire fleet.
We are aware of various interpretations of clause 13.6, which is why we are pleased to report that our new Cleveland Hire and Modular fleet surpasses 30 minutes of fire testing and is fully REI compliant for ceilings, floors, and for eradication of doubt, supporting members (walls).
We are investing heavily in our hire fleet to ensure that it meets the full requirements laid out in JCoP 10.1. The safety of our people and products is our number one priority and this extends to our valued customers and the site set-ups we can build for them. We hope this offers full peace of mind for our customers that Cleveland is a trusted supplier with safety at the heart of every decision we make.
Andrew Thompson, Chief Executive Officer at Cleveland
This allows us to confidently supply vertically stacked installations that sit within the parameters of 10.1, clause 13.6, supported by testing that has been conducted in accordance with the latest European testing standards.
Operating by our ‘We All Own Safety’ value and making this investment now, we can futureproof our hire fleet and provide our customers with insurance compliant site accommodation.
Ultimately, it will be the insurance company’s interpretation of the clause which will matter, should there be an incident on site. This is why we have chosen to provide 100% clarity and assurance with our Cleveland core fleet.
All new temporary accommodation intended to be double stacked must be manufactured to meet the requirements of JCOP 10.1, to comply with clause 13.6. This will form part of a construction site's safety plan and fire risk assessment, in line with JCOP 10.1 clause 13.1.