James Paget University Hospital specified Algeco modular hire solution
The Challenge
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a catchment population of around 250,000 covering Great Yarmouth and Waveney, which is expected to steadily increase over the next few years, particularly people aged over 65.
The Trust provides services at its main site in Gorleston, Great Yarmouth, supported by services at the Newberry Centre Children’s Clinic and other outreach clinics.
The project brief required the supply of a long-term facility on site at the James Paget University Hospital for use as a GP streaming building.
It was envisaged that the building would be used as a first point of contact for visitors to the A&E department to offer triage and reduce pressure on waiting times.
The Solution
Algeco modular buildings for hire provide the healthcare sector with a fast, flexible and efficient accommodation solution. Each of the modular buildings can be created to accommodate any number of people, from two to 1000 people, and up to four storeys high.
James Paget University Hospital, the client on this project, set out the requirements in a detailed project brief.
Responding to the brief, the Algeco hire team designed a layout that comprised six Algeco modules. These were arranged in single storey format, creating a series of consulting rooms, interconnected by waiting areas and corridors.
A full turnkey solution was required on this project. Included in the scope of works were groundworks through to soft landscaping. The experience and knowledge of the Algeco team meant that they were able to take care of every last detail on this project. That meant the healthcare professional could begin assessing visitors as soon as the building was handed over.
Foundations were prepared in February, with the modules installed at the end of March. The Algeco modular hire team handed over the completed building exactly on time in May.
From initial design through to complete project management, the Algeco solution at James Paget University Hospital followed the original, strict schedule and resulted in an outcome that fully met the project brief.
The Results
Completing the building in just 13 weeks is testament to the Algeco team in delivering high quality, turnkey healthcare buildings.
The Algeco elements of the project were delivered on time and on budget, within the required schedule of just 13 weeks.
It is envisaged that the new facility will reduce numbers of patients waiting unnecessarily in the already busy Emergency Department at James Paget University Hospital.
The new ‘GP streaming’ unit has lived up to expectations and now provides care for patients who attend A&E. Those that are assessed as not needing hospital treatment but need care instead from a general practitioner are helping alleviate waiting times. The streaming service has been in operation at the James Paget University Hospitals since last autumn, and has seen more than 6,700 patients since then.
On average, around 47 patients per day have been supported by the service, so that they can receive appropriate treatment without having to wait to be seen by busy Emergency Department staff.
This would mean that over 14,000 people from the local area will benefit from the Algeco modular building solution every year.
James Paget University Hospital Interim Chief Operating Officer Nigel Kee said: “Since it came on line, the streaming service has been invaluable in helping patients who genuinely believe they need to come to hospital but, on arrival, are clinically assessed as being more suitable for GP care. The service has allowed us to ‘divert’ these patients direct to a GP based within the Emergency Department, saving time for both the patient and Emergency Department staff.
By creating the standalone unit, it means we can not only expand the streaming service but also move it out of the Emergency Department, freeing up space for patients who need hospital treatment.”
The Trust has worked with North Norfolk Primary Care (NNPC) - a GP provider organisation delivering a range of clinical services across the county - to provide the GP streaming service.
“The move into the new premises is exciting and will open possibilities for further collaborative working,” said Aiden Rice, NNPC’s Clinical Operations Manager.