Modular and Portable Building Association's Sustainability Group Inaugural Meeting
There has been much discussion across the modular industry that focusses on sustainability, net zero and the circular economy.
Following on from the success of both Technical and Health & Safety committees we would like to form a sustainability group/committee to focus on the development of industry standards and guidance, in addition to ensuring we are able to use our position as a Trade Association to ensure we lobby relevant parties to ensure recognition of our industry.
There are two key areas that have been tabled for action:
- Understanding embodied carbon in modular construction
- The differences and impact between materials and systems approaches
- The difference (benefit) between MMC and non-mmc construction
- The impact that legislating embodied carbon on the industry
- Impact of building regulations (Part Z or alternative)
- Relation to the circular economy
- Industry actions towards net zero
- Possibility of an industry commitment
- Standardisation of carbon footprint measurement
- Relationships with SBTI and/or other bodies
- Membership guidance to achieve
- Closer relationships and interaction between supply chain and manufacturers/hirers.
Possible outputs from the group expected:
- Paper(s) on embodied carbon
- MMC ICE Database Equivalent
- ESG Standards for MMC
- Net Zero toolkits for:
- Manufactures
- Hire depots
- Clients
- Net Zero standard specification
All of the above to be agreed and/or possible objectives/role for the MPBA to take in the wider agenda. Like all our activities the aim is to make a difference in the industry that will benefit all.
You have been invited either as you have expressed an interest or been nominated by a colleague, please feel free to pass the information/date/invite to any colleagues in your company and/or wider membership of the MPBA.
The meeting will be hosted at the MPBA offices in Coventry, with TEAMS access for those that cannot or would prefer not to attend in person.
If you could confirm in person or TEAMS if you accept the invite.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email Richard @mpba.biz or call 07809 838437 if you have any questions.
Modular and Portable Building Association
C12 Generator Hall
Electric Wharf