Nixon Hire Achieve FORS Silver For All Northern England Depots!
We’re delighted to announce further success for our Transport Department – achieving FORS Silver for the whole of our Northern England region.
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is a national accreditation scheme which measures fleet performance. It sets higher standards for safety, efficiency, environmental protection and overall excellence in fleet operations.
After already achieving FORS Silver for our Bedford Depot in 2021, it’s great to be able to share that we have now been awarded the same accreditation across all of our Depots in the north of England; Carlisle, Newcastle, Stockton, Castleford and Warrington.
Following a rigorous auditing process, we were able to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability and safety, not only across our Transport Department but across the wider business. The auditing process involved a lot of hard work from across the business, a real cross-functional success that included our Transport Department, Depot staff and Quality, Purchasing, Training and Health & Safety teams. By achieving this award, we have demonstrated:
- Our commitment to reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions through introducing alternative energy vehicles
- First-class service for our customers through the use of electronic PDAs providing tracking and estimated time of arrival data – prompted and adhered to by our fully trained, friendly Drivers
- All processes, procedures and safe systems of work are implemented and relevant
- Continued training for the wider Transport Department, including Drivers and office staff
Holding FORS Silver accreditation confirms that we continue to exceed expectations whilst providing peace of mind to customers that we are meeting industry standards. Holding this award allows us to demonstrate our commitment to work related road safety and sustainability in transport by going above and beyond minimum legal requirements.
We are really proud to be recognised as a business that employs good practice and complies with requirements laid out by the FORS standard, made possible through our exceptional operational team which delivers consistently excellent standards.
Due to the environmental aspects of this accreditation which we have been able to demonstrate, it forms a key step towards our ESG strategy. You can read more about our ESG and Carbon Approach here: https://www.nixonhire.co.uk/pages/environmental-social-and-governance-esg
Head of Transport & Logistics, Graham Wood comments:
I am thrilled to announce that England North have achieved FORS Silver accreditation. The process has involved a lot of hard work compiling evidence for submission to ensure driver and vehicle standards are up to scratch – a big thank you to everyone involved and to our Depot management team for getting drivers through all of their training modules.
Commenting on our ESG progress, SHEQ Director, Anthony Livermore shares his thoughts:
This is a great testament to not only the transport department but the whole of Nixon Hire in our commitment to achieve our carbon reduction and ESG objectives overall. As we drive forward in our ambition to be carbon neutral by 2035, the transport fleet and department play a key role in our achievements.
With intentions to have the remainder of our Depot network holding FORS Silver accreditation by the end of the year, we look forward to sharing more accreditation success soon.
If you’d like to find out more, please contact transport@nixonhire.com