All stations go!
At Twinfix, we have been working with the Rail industry for over 30 years. The latest Control Period (CP7) is due to start in 2024, seeing Network Rail invest £44 billion in the UK railway over the five-year period (2024-2029). Network Rail has made public it’s priorities for CP7, and along with the targets and key performance indicators (KPI’s), there are a lot of values that align closely with Twinfix and the work in which we are already engaged.
We have written extensively about the environmental and sustainable nature of our products here at Twinfix. The Polycarbonate and Aluminium which forms the backbone of our product range can be recycled, reused, and can work to reduce the other materials required due to the inherent strength and lightness.
Network Rail are the proud owners of an infrastructure dating as far back as the 1800’s. They recognise the importance and significance of these structures and are keen to preserve the heritage and history. Working with construction companies they are returning these edifices of public transportation back to their original splendour while adhering to modern building regulations. We supply transparent, translucent, and opaque polycarbonate to mimic historic glass features for station refurbishments, but which require minimal maintenance, and which are significantly more durable than glass. We can add period features such as a Georgian wire effect and due to the lightweight properties, we are able to keep structural elements to a minimum while retaining strength.
We are a family firm and very much a part of our local community, yet we can work collaboratively with Tier 1 construction companies and sole traders to help them deliver the best outcome for their client.
Whilst we can provide off the shelf products, our team of experts take great delight in designing and manufacturing bespoke solutions. We can assist with faithful historic renovations; however, we have the skills, expertise, and experience to offer something modern in technology and compliant with all the latest safety standards. We are also capable of identifying historic problems and solving them. Access hatches to allow cleaning and maintenance being a more common problem we solve on many stations rooves.
Of course, working in the modern construction industry means we have a duty of care, something we take very seriously. Our commitment to health & safety, not only for our team but to those who will use or interact with our products is second to none. All our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they comply with modern building regulations.
Examples of our work can be seen across the country, including Aberdeen, Victoria Station in London, Sutton in Surrey, and Llandudno in Wales. For the most part they go un-noticed, which is exactly the point. What people do notice is the light, the aesthetics, and the restoration.
Vicky Evans, Director at Twinfix said; “We have been playing our part in the Rail industry for the last 30 years and align with Network Rails values, and we hope to be part of the solution for many years to come. Playing our part, working collaboratively to help protect the history of the railways while making them future fit, resilient, and sustainable, Twinfix are your trusted partner in rail.”