How to Save Energy within Schools
With the increase in requirements for schools and colleges to be more energy efficient, along with the need to cut energy bills, you may be looking for ways you can incorporate this into your project designs.
One way that you can do this is with the addition of a canopy. Most schools will have canopies on their wish list when it comes to designing a new school building or refurbishing their existing buildings. You may not be aware but wall mounted canopies, or free-standing canopies installed up against a building can help increase energy efficiency. Here’s how:
Four Ways a Canopy Can Help with Energy Efficiency in Schools
- Heat Reduction in the Summer – Wall mounted canopies provide shade to the windows they cover, making the room inside much cooler than if the sun was directly beating into the room. This reduces the need to use air-conditioners and electronic fans.
- Protection Against the Cold in the Winter – Canopies can help to keep classrooms warmer in the winter as they may, depending on the position and style, block freezing fog and harsh winds from blowing directly against the windows.
- Harness the Suns Solar Power – You can add solar panels to the canopy which will enable the school to generate their own energy and sell any leftover energy to the National Grid.
- Take Lessons Outside – Teachers will be able take lessons outside which in-turn will leave classrooms empty, with no need to heat them in the winter, or cool them in the summer for the duration of the time spent outside. Teachers can also save energy by turning lights and other electronics off whilst teaching outside under their canopy.
Why Opt for a Solar Canopy?A solar canopy provides all the great benefits of a regular canopy, with the addition of the benefits that only a solar canopy provides which includes:
- Choose Your Positioning – If the building you are working with does not have a south facing roof for solar panels, you can install solar canopy in the position of your choice. This enables the school to gain maximum solar absorption from their new investment.
- Three for the Price of One – They have a triple use; the school can use the canopy for outdoor lessons, events and outdoor dining whilst reducing their energy bills providing them with an income. What other investment shades, saves and supports the school?
- Pays for Itself – Due to the money a solar canopy saves the school and the income it can generate, a solar canopy will eventually pay for itself, leaving the schools with a canopy that is effectively free and still saves and earns them money.
Hybrid It!
In a world where we hear the word ‘hybrid’ a lot when talking about cars, did you know that you can hybrid a canopy too?
If your client would like to have a large canopy installed yet doesn’t have the funds to have solar panels along the whole length of the canopy, they can choose to have half and half, or the ratio of their choice. This enables the canopy to fit within their budget and personalises it to their exact requirements.
Extend It!
If your client already has one of our canopies installed, we can extend it either with polycarbonate panels or with solar panels (depending on the canopy design chosen). Likewise, if they don’t currently have one of our canopies yet, would like a large canopy that doesn’t fit within their budget, we can install a smaller canopy now and extend it later down the line, when their budget allows.
Contact us to find out how we can help you and your clients add energy efficiency to their school whilst also providing them with a dry and sheltered outdoor area that can be used all year round.