Cabinlocator begin their Green Growth journey
The UK government has mandated that every UK business must reach net-zero by 2050 or before.
This is in response to climate science showing that in order to halt climate change, carbon emissions have to stop – reducing them is not sufficient. ‘Net zero’ means that any emissions are balanced by absorbing an equivalent amount from the atmosphere.
This may seem like an incredibly daunting task for many, but it needn’t be. There is a lot of support out there to help businesses and/or individuals discover how best to tackle their net-zero by 2050 mission.
We feel incredibly lucky at Cabinlocator that Made in Britain has created a programme to assist their members to advance their businesses progress on sustainability.
The first step of the Made in Britain’s Green Growth Programme is to complete its supporting survey. The survey provides your business with a benchmark against other businesses in your industry, so you can understand the progress your business is making against your peers.
Created in partnership with the Cambridge Judge Business School, the Green Growth Survey has been designed exclusively for Made in Britain members and is the gateway to the Green Growth Programme – a dedicated bank of free resources, tools, and expert recommendations to help you on your sustainability journey.
The survey is split into sections and shows your performance in each area.
Sections are:
· Green Growth (Being a circular business with responsible consumption)
· Governance & Recognition of Accreditation (the processes in place that structure your business, the decision making, accountability and behaviour)
· Environmental Performance (procedures in place to track your environmental footprint)
· Customer Engagement (how transparent are you about your business to your customers)
· Social Impact (Fair and Ethical procedures)
· Made in Britain Ecosystem (commitment to connecting to other Made in Britain members to build a better tomorrow)
· Miscellaneous (engagement with the targets set by UN – Sustainable Development Goals 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production)
The survey takes time to complete, you can print a pdf of the survey questions off before completing it online so you can ensure you have all information to hand and don’t waste time pondering or guessing some of the questions which could affect your score.
I recommend printing the survey questions off and having some highlighters to hand so you can note your current answers and highlight areas you want to improve on.
At Cabinlocator we have set ourselves the target of focusing on different areas we scored low on each month until we achieve 100% on the survey. It’s a good job we’ve got a few years to do this, sustainability journeys aren’t achieved over night.
We plan to share our journey with our customers, and anyone who is interested so watch this space!
By being transparent with our commitment to sustainability we hope we encourage other businesses to do the same, and together we will create a sustainable future for generations to come.