Increase efficiency with IoT technology
With Aico’s HomeLINK technology, social landlords can increase efficiency by monitoring properties reliably and remotely, reducing costly call outs.
Housing Associations and landlords predominantly rely on residents reporting issues, but the problem lies when residents only notice an issue when it is too late to fix, leading to costly and time-consuming repairs.
There are a range of potential costs surrounding this way of reporting property issues, including staff to handle calls, scheduling visits to the home to carry out assessments, and then booking for works to be completed. Meanwhile, this can be an inconvenience to both the landlord and of course the resident.
By monitoring indoor conditions in real-time via Aico’s Environmental Sensors and Gateway, landlords can have remote access to a range of data insights, tracking any changes to the environmental conditions within the building.
Our Head of Customer Success, Adam Taylor-Drake states: “Environmental sensors can show damp and mould issues, if rooms are being heated and how often, therefore highlighting potential fuel poverty, as well as monitoring levels of Carbon Dioxide, which can have serious effects on occupants.”
Installing our Internet of Things technology is the equivalent of monitoring the home 24/7. The landlord can then choose how to utilise the relevant data the most efficiently, alongside our Customer Success Team assisting with information and advice.
IoT is essentially a network of interlinked devices which exchanges data with other devices and the cloud, consisting of embedded systems. This network collects, sends, and acts on data it acquires, sending it to the Gateway acting as the central hub.
To foster resident security and engagement, we also provide a connected resident app, which educates them on the health of their home, as well as providing an avenue for the landlord and resident to have a direct dialogue.
Our IoT technology provides a one-stop shop for landlords to operate more cost-effectively and efficiently, benefiting both them and their residents.
A large community of landlords are already utilising our technology, with over 300,000 connected devices across the UK, feeding and analysing huge volumes of data and therefore dramatically increasing efficiency across the social housing sector.