Part T Toilet Regulations

By MPBA in Industry News

These approved document support Part T of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010.

This approved document takes effect on 1 October 2024 for use in England. Full details of the transitional arrangements can be found in Circular 02/2024 published on

The new requirement and associated guidance will not apply in relation to building work on a particular building where a building notice, an initial notice or an application for building control approval with full plans, has been given to the relevant authority in respect of that building before the day the new regulations come into force, 1 October 2024, and either the building work to which it relates:

  1. has started and is sufficiently progressed before that day; or

  2. is started and is sufficiently progressed within the period of six months beginning on that day.

Please note that ‘building notice’, ‘initial notice’ and ‘building control approval application with full plans’ have the meanings given in the Building Regulations 2010. For the purpose of these transitional arrangements, building work is to be regarded as ‘sufficiently progressed’:

  1. where the building work consists of the construction of a building, when the pouring of concrete for the permanent placement of the trench, pad or raft foundations has started, or the permanent placement of piling has started;

  2. where the building work consists of work to an existing building, when that work has started; or

  3. where the building work consists of a material change of use of a building, when work to effect that change of use has stated.