Frontier Economics provides an evaluation of the benefits gained by NHS partners and patients, when using a Vanguard facility
Frontier Economics has identified and evaluated two direct impacts of Vanguard activities across three clinical areas, which account for the largest number of clinical procedures undertaken in Vanguard facilities.
■ health and wellbeing gains for patients treated in Vanguard facilities; and
■ financial and operational benefits for Vanguard’s NHS partners.
Also identified were potential indirect social impacts, including: reduced future use of NHS services; reduced care burden for patients’ family/carers; and increased economic contribution of patients following treatment in Vanguard facilities.

By using microeconomics and applying financial analysis, statistical modelling, game theory and behavioural economics, Frontier distils complex economic issues to facilitate evidence-based arguments and informed decisions. Frontier was recently awarded 1SO27001 certification from Certification Europe.
For more detailed analysis, the full report can be sent to NHS organisations and other healthcare providers by emailing marketing@vanguardhealthcare.co.uk