Request for Expression of Interest : Embodied and Whole Life Carbon 2023-2050: Implementation Plan for the Non-Domestic Modular and Portable Building Industry
As part of the industry1 commitment to net-zero the modular and portable building association (mpba) requests proposals in the development of a working study and documentation to cover the above headline (working) title.
The study will require engagement with relevant stakeholders across the industry to identify the current position, the implications of current and future policy and provide a roadmap to net-zero. Members of the mpba sustainability working party will support with access to information.
In previous years the mpba have conducted research into carbon emissions from modular construction and the impact of the building regulations. The research paper can be found online at https://mpba.biz/research along with access to the latest industry study published in 2019.
Suggestions of potential consideration/inclusion could include but not be limited to:
· Provide a clear definition of net zero for the modular/portable sector2
· Methodology and standards of carbon calculation
· Suitability of current and future standards
· Consideration of all structural3 options
· Circular nature of modular and portable buildings (particularly considering the positive impact of hire)
An example of the expected output format:
If you would like to express an interest in undertaking the research and working with the modular and portable building association, please respond to richard@mpba.biz with organisation details, background and experience and proposed approach and timescales.
The deadline for expressions of interest will close on Thursday 6th April 2023. There will be no response to submitted interest until 12th April.
1. The industry covers the manufacture, refurbishment and hire of modular and portable buildings within the United Kingdom used for non-domestic purposes. The non-domestic market must include (but not be limited to) retail, healthcare, education, construction accommodation, event hire buildings and offices.
2. Aligned to other industry standards including: RICS Whole Life Carbon Assessment for the Built Environment, RICS Professional Statement, BS EN 15978 2011 (Figure 3), UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Framework, RIBA and LETI.
3. The main structural elemental of a modular building could be steel or timber.